मेरे बारे मेँ:
Well... there's not much to talk about...<br/>I'm very kinky and pretty open-minded, though my personality differs much from what I'm into. I'm an introvert, shy as hell and pretty much acting weird around strangers. Let's see what the future has in store for me!
मेरे बारे मेँ:
Well... there's not much to talk about...<br/>I'm very kinky and pretty open-minded, though my personality differs much from what I'm into. I'm an introvert, shy as hell and pretty much acting weird around strangers. Let's see what the future has in store for me!
मेरे बारे मेँ
Well... there's not much to talk about...<br/>I'm very kinky and pretty open-minded, though my personality differs much from what I'm into. I'm an introvert, shy as hell and pretty much acting weird around strangers. Let's see what the future has in store for me!
Fluffy Boi व्यक्तिगत जानकारी
- मैं हूँ:23 वर्षों पुराना, पुरुष, समलैंगिक
- से:Rostock, जर्मनी
- मांगना:पुरुष, समलैंगिक
- रुचियां
और कामुकता: - भाषा:जर्मन, अंग्रेजी
- शिक्षा:उच्च विद्यालय के स्नातक
- बच्चे:नहीं, लेकिन शायद कुछ चाहिए
- धर्म:नास्तिक
- धूम्रपान करना:कभी नहीं
- पीना:कभी-कभी
- राशि:कन्या
मैं किस की तरह लग रहा हुं
- जातीयता:सफ़ेद
- शरीर के प्रकार:औसत
- बालो की लंबाई:माध्यम
- बालों के रंग:भूरा
- आंखों का रंग:हरा
- ऊंचाई:5 फुट 71 इंच (182 सेमी)