रोबोट लेस्बियन वर्चस्व के साथ दुर्व्यवहार

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Robot lesbiyan varchasv ke sath durvyavhar

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के बारे में

Nemesis is now Andy's doll. She is in the "doll house," trapped and reduced to being a puppet for her toymaker. Along with her are other dolls. These have all been real women, reduced now to being dressed, treated, used as dolls. However, Andy wants only one of them left, the one who will be the best, to become his personal maid and sex slave; for this reason the dolls are in competition, for each trial one is discarded. Currently there are only two left, one is Nemesis, the other Alice. While Andy is not at home, however, the dolls interact with each other. Nemesis, who is the largest in size, tall and strong, does nothing but bully and destroy the others. Andy often finds them out of order when he returns. One day the toymaker decides to put a cam inside the dolls' room. What he suspected, is actually TRUE! Nemesis becomes a sadistic dominatrix in his absence.

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कुकीज़ हमें अपनी सेवाएं देने में मदद करती हैं। इस वेबसाइट का उपयोग करके आप हमारे द्वारा कुकीज़ के उपयोग से सहमत हैं। और अधिक जानें
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